Middle Years Coordinator's Message

Esra Yildirim-Bas

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope that everyone had relaxing term break. This term is a busy one and we look forward to sharing our plans and special learning activities through the school newsletter.

Upcoming event:

Year 3 and 4 students will be going to Melbourne Zoo (Zoo Snooze Camp) in week 9. The Middle Years Department are very excited and we cannot wait to experience the overnight camp at Melbourne Zoo.

Zoo Snooze Camps are a tented camp, which is situated on the lawn area within the Historic Elephant exhibit.

Included in our Camp Sleep Over:

What students should bring:

Camp Days and Dates:

Monday, 28th November 2016: Year 4A- Ms Mirela
Tuesday, 29th November 2016: Year 4B- Ms Medine
Wednesday, 30th November 2016: Year 3A- Ms Esra

If you should ever need any additional information you can feel free to contact me.

Athletic Carnival:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Mirela, Ms Medine and Mrs Marziah for organising the Athletics Carnival. We had a fantastic turn up and thank you to parents for joining us. Well done to all students who participated. I would also like to thank the Events Committee, the Fundraising Committee and all teachers who helped out.

Read, Read and Read!

It is vital for students to read books on a daily basis. Students should read at least 15-20 minutes each day in order to build key reading skills. It allows students to become more confident at sounding out words and the more they read, the more they will be exposed to new vocabulary.

Tips of how to ask questions while or after your child read.

Please read books and enjoy them!

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Ms Esra Yildirim
Middle Coordinator